Talking The Puppy Bowl With Online Marketing Companies

By Arthur Williams

Now that the Super Bowl craziness has subsided, I believe that it is time to talk about one of the lesser-known attributes of that very day. I am, of course, referring to the Puppy Bowl, which takes places on TV during that very Sunday. Those who consider themselves animal lovers know all about this event and may even tune in to watch it. For those who are less familiar with this, I believe that it's a topic for any and all online marketing companies to cover.

The Puppy Bowl is a sports-oriented show that showcases puppies playing with one another. This is done in a room that's modeled in order to look like a football stadium, which helps to make this show come across as more sports-like. As you can imagine, the Puppy Bowl has grown to become one of the more popular shows during Super Bowl season. In fact, it's been a mainstay during said season since its inception approximately ten years ago in 2005.

I believe that part of the reason why the Puppy Bowl matters - and I believe that firms like fishbat will say the same - has to do with the fact that it appeals to just about everyone. The Super Bowl has a certain audience, which consists of mostly sports fans, and it's clear that not everyone will watch this spectacular event. However, online marketing companies know that the Puppy Bowl has a broader demographic. After all, who's going to say "no" to small animals playing with one another?

There's also the idea that the Puppy Bowl does not include puppies alone. It's worth noting that there is a Kitty Half-Time Show, which allows for a half hour of kittens playing around on the makeshift field, with laser pens, balls of yarn, and all. I believe that this is noteworthy because despite a human appreciation for animals, some creatures are more preferred than others. I believe that the inclusion of this half-time show ensures that all viewers will have something to watch for.

There are plenty of reasons why the Puppy Bowl is popular. The obvious inclusion of small animals playing together cannot be disputed, though I'd make the argument that marketing has something to do with it. The Super Bowl is a time for various brands to make their mark, especially on a large scale, so it makes sense for the Puppy Bowl to gain traction. It's a yearly event that gains viewers, and I don't see that changing.

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